Monday, March 10, 2008

Informative blatherings for YOU!

So the first post has been made, and you are now reading Earjack. so what exactly IS Earjack, you ask?

Earjack is a blog. Plain and simple. We feature blogs on a wide array of topics, from (obviously) smoking legislation, to video games, to (potentially) pornography. As you can see, Doctor Octoroc and myself have been made the first two contributors, and some requests have been sent out for other contributors as well. Right now posts are few and far between, hopefully that will change soon. what separates us from other blogs is the proverbial fat that has been cut out. Instead of focusing on one singular topic we intend to focus on many topics, and not blather on about what happened to us every single day in a feeble stretch at attention.

New images, like the admittedly larger than necessary banner at the top, will be added soon as well as some other nifty things we're working on. If you'd like to contribute to Earjack, drop me a line at Misterobtoons @ (without spaces, for those of you who've been hiding under a rock for the past decade or so).


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